Apr 29, 2013

No Headlines This Time

I just got my bike painted and I gotta say that I've never liked it so much than I do now. I don't know if the pics tell enough but the frame and fork are now rough-painted-black-red-purple.

Apr 27, 2013

Go To Hell

Trying to be daily... Yeah right...

BMX season has started and it's as awesome as every spring, I'm loving it.

New spots right next to a skatepark!

Linus's new dirt jump. Time to send some big tricks this summer!

I just painted my bmx frame and fork today so I tested this with Linus's mtb.
Now I want my own mtb again... Money would be nice.

Apr 2, 2013

Banging Banners

It was a foggy and a cold as hell night considering that it was the last day (or night) of March. Almost -10 degrees while taking these pictures. It's good that Ville had a better tripod than I do. Otherwise these pics would be crap or wouldn't even exist. I think it's also cool how the lamps appear almost like the moon does.

Ville's BMW under the stars.

The fog almost like shaped a roof for the road. I have never before seen fog having that clear edge.

This one ended up as my new blog banner. It's pretty different than the last one. Time will tell if I stick with it.